An application can be made to SACAT for a Level 3 Inpatient Treatment Order (ITO). This order requires that a person receives treatment as an inpatient at an approved treatment centre.
This order can only be made for a period of 12 months.
An application can be made in respect of a person to whom a level 1 or level 2 Inpatient Treatment Order applies.
What does SACAT consider?
SACAT will consider whether:
- the person has a mental illness and because of the illness, the person requires treatment either for their protection from harm or for the protection of others from harm
- the person has impaired decision-making capacity
- there is no less restrictive means than an inpatient treatment order of ensuring appropriate treatment of the illness.
- in considering whether there are less restrictive means than an inpatient treatment order, SACAT must consider whether the person would be able to receive treatment voluntarily or on a community treatment order.
SACAT does not specify what treatment a person with a mental illness is to receive where a Level 3 inpatient treatment order has been made.
This is a matter for the person’s treating doctor in the community or at the approved treatment centre.
Who can apply?
An application for a Level 3 ITO can be made by
- the Public Advocate
- the Director of an approved treatment centre
- an employee in an approved treatment centre authorised by the director.
SACAT also undertake internal reviews about Level 3 ITOs