If a person has a mental illness and requires treatment to protect themselves and/or others from harm, but the person is unable to or does not agree to receive treatment, a community treatment order can be made by authorised medical and health professionals and SACAT to ensure the person receives treatment.
A community treatment order can only be made when there is no less restrictive way of ensuring that a person gets the appropriate treatment.
Level 1 Community treatment orders
Only a medical practitioner or authorised mental health professional can make a Level 1 Community treatment order.
This order can only be made for a period of up to 42 days.
SACAT can review a Level 1 CTO under s 81 of the Mental Health Act 2009.
Level 2 Community treatment orders
An application can be made to SACAT for a Level 2 Community treatment order.
An application can be made whether or not a Level 1 CTO exists - or has previously been made but has expired.
This order can only be made for a period of up to 12 months.
What does SACAT consider when making a Level 2 CTO?
SACAT will consider whether:
- the person has a mental illness and because of the illness, the person requires treatment either for their protection from harm or for the protection of others from harm
- the person has impaired decision-making capacity
- there is no less restrictive means than a community treatment order of ensuring appropriate treatment of the illness.
When considering any less restrictive means, SACAT must consider whether the person would be able to receive appropriate treatment on a voluntary basis.
Who can apply?
An application for a Level 2 CTO can be made by:
- the Public Advocate
- a medical practitioner
- a mental health clinician
- a guardian, medical agent, relative, carer or friend of the person
- any other person who can satisfy SACAT that they have a proper interest in the person’s welfare.
Apply to SACAT
All applications to SACAT are made online. You can use a computer, tablet or smart phone.
The application form will prompt you for the information we need.
If you make a SACAT Online Services account, you can return to your application at any time to provide more information or documents before submitting it.
If you are unable to complete the form online, you can contact the Tribunal for assistance on 1800 723 767 and a staff member may assist you complete the form by telephone.
You can also visit SACAT’s offices at Level 4 or 7, 100 Pirie Street, and use a computer at one of SACAT’s public kiosks where staff may also provide assistance.
SACAT also undertake internal reviews about Level 2 CTOs