Welcome to the South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal.
The South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (SACAT) is an independent body which helps South Australians to resolve issues within civil and administrative law, either through agreement at a conference or mediation, or through a decision at a hearing.
SACAT commenced operation on 30 March 2015, combining the work of a variety of different Tribunals, Boards and review committees.
SACAT processes a large volume of matters each year and is a key part of South Australia’s justice system.
SACAT is much less formal than a court and its procedures are less complicated - most people who come before SACAT do not have legal representation.
The law that establishes SACAT and governs its operations is the South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 2013.
Our objectives emphasise accessibility, efficiency, and fairness, and include to:
- be accessible and responsive to your needs
- process and resolve your dispute as quickly as possible
- use language we can all understand
- be as flexible as possible
- use alternative dispute resolution procedures wherever appropriate
- keep costs to a minimum
- promote the best principles of public administration, including independence, natural justice and procedural fairness, quality and consistent decisions, and transparency and accountability.
To assist SACAT with your enquiry, case or dispute, we ask that you:
- provide us with complete, timely and accurate information
- let us know if you have any special needs
- treat staff, members and other parties with respect and courtesy
- be punctual and prepared for your hearing
- comply with any directions or orders that are issued about your case or dispute.